Cookies on

Our website, like millions of others on the World Wide Web, uses small files called ‘cookies’ to help us customise your experience.

What are ‘cookies’?

‘Cookies’ are small text files that are stored by the browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Safari) on your computer or mobile phone. They allow websites to store such things as user preferences. You can think of cookies as providing a “memory” for the website, enabling it to recognise a user and respond appropriately. However this cookie does not let us know your name, address, age or any other information that can identify you as a person.

How does use cookies?

A visit to a page on may generate the following types of cookies:

Site performance cookies

This type of cookie remembers your preferences for tools found on our website, so you don’t have to re-set them each time you visit. An example is remembering the information you put into our forms.

Anonymous analytics cookies

Each time a user visits our website, web analytics software provided by a third party generates a set of anonymous analytics cookies. Again, no personally identifiable information is shared:

  • These cookies can tell us whether or not you have visited the site before.
  • Your browser will tell us if you have these cookies. If you don’t, we generate new ones.
  • This allows us to track how many unique users we have, and how often they visit the site.

Other third party cookies

On some of our pages, third party controls may also set their own anonymous cookies, for the purposes of tracking the success of their application, or customising the application for you. Because of the way cookies work, we cannot access these cookies, nor can the third parties access the data in cookies used by our website.

Cookies on this site

Cookie Consent

Name Provider Expiry
cookieconsent_status 1 years - Live Chat

Name Provider Expiry
__tawkuuid 6 months
__cfduid 30 days
_gat_gtag_* Session
_gid 1 day
_ga Session
TawkConnectionTime Session

Facebook Pixel

Name Provider Expiry
fr Facebook 60 days
_fbp Facebook 60 days
wd Facebook 7 days

What data does the Facebook pixel collect?

See our Cookie Policy for details about the cookies used and the data received. The Facebook pixel receives these types of data:

  • Http Headers – Anything present in HTTP headers. HTTP Headers are a standard web protocol sent between any browser request and any server on the internet. HTTP Headers include IP addresses, information about the web browser, page location, document, referrer and person using the website.
  • Pixel-specific Data – Includes Pixel ID and the Facebook Cookie.
  • Button Click Data – Includes any buttons clicked by site visitors, the labels of those buttons and any pages visited as a result of the button clicks.
  • Optional Values – Developers and marketers can optionally choose to send additional information about the visit through conversion tracking. Example custom data events are conversion value, page type, and more.
  • Form Field Names – Includes website field names like ‘email’, ‘address’, ‘quantity’ for when you purchase a product or service. We don't capture field values unless you include them as part of Advanced Matching, or conversion tracking.

How to turn cookies off?

It is usually possible to stop your browser accepting cookies, or to stop it accepting cookies from a particular website. All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the ‘Help’ option in your browser for more details:

Useful links

If you would like to find out more about cookies and their use on the Internet, you may find the following links useful:

For further legal information about privacy issues, you may find these links useful:

North East Better Health
Ofsted Good Provider
Tees Valley Mayor
TEF Silver
Disability Confident
Funding Agency
HM Government
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