Outstanding teachers were given a symbol of thanks at Stockton Riverside College’s Ceremony of the Pen.


Fifteen staff members achieved the Outstanding grading in the college’s latest round of GOLAP (Graded Observation of Learning, Assessment and Progress) teaching and learning observations.

Among them was course leader for ESOL (16 -18), Lynsey Halliday, who has achieved her fourth consecutive outstanding rating.

Presenting each teacher with a boxed pen as a token of recognition, Deputy Principal Mick Hickey, said: “The idea of our Ceremony of the Pen is to celebrate and recognise outstanding teaching. Our aim is to show people in some small way that their hard work is appreciated. It is fantastic to see such a large group achieving.”

dsc00643Of Lynsey picking up her fourth Grade 1, he added: “To have a staff member achieve four consecutive Outstanding grades is quite unique and certainly something to be proud of.”

Having worked at the college for six years, first in a support role and then moving into teaching, Lynsey said: “It is nice to be recognised and to know that what you are doing is appreciated.

Modest about her run of success Lynsey said: “Even after getting a Grade 1 you are still thinking about what you could have done better. We are always learning and working with different students with different goals.

“For me it comes down to a number of things, you have to know your learners, know what makes them tick and what motivates them and makes them want to achieve.

“What has particularly helped me is being a learning coach, as part of that you get the opportunity to learn from your colleagues and share best practice.”

Lynsey joins 24 other teachers with strong teaching observation records who have been asked to help share best practice.

Also celebrating Outstanding success in the latest round of observations are: Tara Evans, John Dixon, Susan Gooding, James Wells, Tina Weir, Sarah Richardson, Rachael Postgate, Andrew White, Phillip Hall, Jane Shannon, Michael Lewis, Martin Hill and Garreth Evans.
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