Choosing to study Performing Arts can open up far more future career opportunities than you might think.

Just ask these Stockton Riverside College students.

Studying Performing Arts has helped them to pick up a wide range of skills.

Now continuing their studies at the college, we caught up with the friends to discuss their ambitions and experiences of college-life so far.

Laurryn (Musical Theatre Level 3)

"It has been amazing," said Laurryn Charlton, 17, of Stockton. "I would definitely recommend it to other people."

Describing the college as having a happy and friendly environment, she says the Musical Theatre course has helped to build her confidence performing in front of a crowd.

Progressing to her second year Laurryn, who hopes to go on to become an entertainment rep, said: "The best bits for me have been the friends I have made, learning new things and building my confidence in dance."

Grace (Musical Theatre Level 3)

Choosing Musical Theatre has proven the right move for Grace Cockburn.

Moving into second year of the Level 3 Musical Theatre course, the 18-year-old from Billingham said: "This year has been really good. The best bit has been meeting these beautiful women and everyone else."

Having previously studied Health and Social Care, Grace hopes to combine her skills with a future in drama therapy.

Shanie and Victoria (Performance Level 2)

Shanie McClune and Victoria Thomas have their hearts set on a future in film or screen after choosing to study Performing Arts at Stockton Riverside College.

Having completed their Level 2 at the college the 17-year-olds are now going on to study to Level 3 Acting.

Enjoying life at the college so far Shanie said: "I chose to come here because I heard it was a good college and I've enjoyed my experience so far. The best thing about studying here has been meeting new people and the supportive staff."

Victoria added: "It has been amazing and I would recommend it to other people. I have been successful which means that you can too."

Want to know more about the Performing Arts courses at Stockton Riverside College? Visit www.stockton.ac.uk/courses/performing-arts/ for course details. Stockton Riverside College is enrolling now!


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