Students at SRC Bede were given an insight into the opportunities available to study STEM at Teesside University.

Dimitrious Nikolaou, the Associate Dean of The School of Science, Engineering and Design, paid a visit to the college where he gave an informative and engaging presentation about the opportunities to study STEM subjects at higher education.

Melanie Brown, Course Leader for Forensics, outlined to our students the benefits of Teesside University study and how the Teesside University Advance scheme can assist all undergraduates with technology and help with textbooks, and that finance should not be a barrier to undergraduate study.

The culmination of the event was a presentation of certificates to learners who participated in the STEM Day by Vickie Allport and Dimitrious Nikolaou. Having participated in the STEM Day Bede Learners will have assistance in their pathway into higher education if they wish to study at Teesside University.

The visit was a follow-up to the STEM Day which took place earlier this year. 


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